Monday, December 7, 2015


I want to specifically talk about pornography today. This is a difficult subject to talk about because everyone feels something about it. Whether that's defensiveness, hatred, humor, hurt, or enjoyment. The Church is very clear on the effects of this medium. Elder Oaks said this: "Pornography impairs one’s ability to enjoy a normal emotional, romantic, and spiritual relationship with a person of the opposite sex. It erodes the moral barriers that stand against inappropriate, abnormal, or illegal behavior. As conscience is desensitized, patrons of pornography are led to act out what they have witnessed, regardless of its effects on their life and the lives of others." 
I am continuously amazed at the ignorance people have regarding pornography. Think for a minute about how you've seen in portrayed in the entertainment industry. My experience has been that even my favorite shows seem to show pornography addictions as something that is kind of funny. Like a "boys will be boys" type of thing. I've even heard people say that it doesn't hurt anyone but the user. This thinking is so, so flawed! Anyone who has a close loved one with this addiction will know that it is not a harmless thing. And if you aren't feeling the pain from it now, just wait. You'll feel it soon. 
Let me also say that pornography is not just something that men have as addictions. There are tons of women out there who struggle with it, too. The statistics are staggering. 
Pornography is definitely addictive. Listen to this quote by Elder Oaks:
"Pornography is also addictive. It impairs decision-making
capacities and it 'hooks' its users, drawing them
back obsessively for more and more. A man who had
been addicted to pornography and to hard drugs wrote
me this comparison: 'In my eyes cocaine doesn’t hold
a candle to this. I have done both. . . . Quitting even the
hardest drugs was nothing compared to [trying to quit
pornography]' (letter of Mar. 20, 2005)."
That is incredible to me. It is truly an addictive substance. 
Pornography is also closely related to sex crimes. Many sex crimes committed were done by pornography addicts. There have even been some famous serial killers who admitted that pornography was the reason they went as far as they did. 
Heavenly Father wants us to be chaste and virtuous. To do that, we must keep our minds clear by avoiding pornography at all costs. If you see it somewhere, run away and/or turn it off. Exposure to porn happens at a very early age, so we need to teach our kids what to watch out for, and we need to put filters on our computer. But the best filter is the one in your heart and mind. 
I know that if we rid pornography from our lives that we will be blessed and happy. I also know that anything is possible through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. If you struggle with an addiction, you can be cured through the grace of Christ. He will help you if you seek Him. I know that if you are a loved one who has been affected by the actions of someone else, that His grace can heal all wounds. Even those caused by pornography. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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